Hallelujah! You have just made the most important commitment that a person can make in life. As a result of receiving Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you have experienced what the Bible calls a ‘new birth’. In your physical life, you entered the world as a baby and then grew to maturity. The same is true in your spiritual experience. Now that you have experienced a spiritual birth, you need to grow into a mature follower of Jesus.
Please go to your Bible and read: 1 Peter 2:2
Just as an infant need help to grow physically, a new believer need help to grow spiritually. It is our desire to assist you in this effort by helping you lay the foundation for your continued growth in the Lord. This class will help you get started in your spiritual growth.BEWARE! Satan will seek to halt your daily study. Ask God to give you strength to continue, to stay committed and to complete your classes. You might want to pray a prayer like the one below:
“Dear God,
I know I am going to need Your help in completing these classes, in understanding what You are trying to teach me and setting the foundation for my spiritual growth. I want to grow spiritually. Help me to be faithful in attending class. Help me to be a committed student, not allowing anything to stop me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”
Think of it like this… you are like a child rescued from drowning and put in a boat that will bring you safely to shore (heaven). Because God loves you, His plan has always been for Jesus to rescue you from drowning (going to hell) and to bring you to God to be His child forever.
Let the journey begin…